
Program Objectives

Clinical Mental Health Program Objectives


To develop reflective, technologically-competent, clinical mental health counselors who understand the multiple roles and responsibilities of counselors as well as the strategies necessary for client advocacy, personal self-care, and legal/ethical behavior.


To develop the multicultural counseling competencies of clinical mental health counselors to include knowledge of cultural identity and development, social justice and advocacy as well as strategies for addressing barriers, prejudices, oppression and discrimination


To prepare clinical mental health counselors to utilize knowledge of lifespan development, learning theory, personality development and addiction in order to facilitate behavioral change, well-being and resilience in clients.


To develop clinical mental health counselors’ knowledge of development, theories, skills and technological resources needed to effectively assist diverse clients in goal-setting, decision-making, and career planning.


To prepare self-aware, skilled clinical mental health counselors who are cognizant of theories, models and strategies for understanding, planning and practicing counseling and consultation within a variety of settings/situations.


To develop skilled clinical mental health counselors’ knowledge of group dynamics, stages, theories, and techniques needed for designing, facilitating and leading ethically and culturally diverse groups.


To train clinical mental health counselors in formal and informal assessment methods to assess, and interpret clients’ abilities, aptitudes, interests, and achievement for the purpose of diagnosis and intervention planning


To instruct clinical mental health counselors to understand and implement various research designs/methodology, to evaluate counseling services and to make informed counseling treatment/intervention decisions

School Counseling Program Objectives


To develop reflective, technologically-competent, school counselors who understand the multiple roles and responsibilities of counselors as well as the strategies necessary for client advocacy, personal self-care, and legal/ethical behavior.


To develop the multicultural counseling competencies of school counselors to include knowledge of cultural identity and development, social justice and advocacy as well as strategies for addressing barriers, prejudices, oppression and discrimination.


To prepare school counselors to utilize knowledge of lifespan development, learning theory, personality development and addiction in order to facilitate behavioral change, well-being and resilience in clients.


To develop school counselors’ knowledge of development, theories, skills and technological resources needed to effectively assist diverse clients in goal-setting, decision-making, and career planning.


To prepare self-aware, skilled school counselors who are cognizant of theories, models and strategies for understanding, planning and practicing counseling and consultation within a variety of settings/situations.


To develop skilled school counselors’ knowledge of group dynamics, stages, theories, and techniques needed for designing, facilitating and leading ethically and culturally diverse groups.


To train school counselors in formal and informal assessment methods to assess, and interpret clients’ abilities, aptitudes, interests, and achievement for the purpose of diagnosis and intervention planning


To instruct school counselors to understand and implement various research designs/methodology, to evaluate counseling services and to make informed counseling treatment/intervention decisions.


To train school counselors to collaborate with all stakeholders in schools to achieve common goals for K-12 students, school improvement and of community.


To prepare schools counselors with theory and skills necessary to provide a Texas model of comprehensive school counseling programs in K-12.

Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling Program Objectives


To develop marriage, couple and family counselors, who are professional, ethical problem-solvers that are aware of roles, policy, technology and legalities relevant to the counseling field.


To train marriage, couple and family counselors to be culturally competent, who modify their counseling approaches and knowledge to diverse groups / cultures and who promote social justice.


To prepare marriage, couple and family counselors to utilize knowledge of human growth and development when designing and implementing techniques/plans to improve their clients’ well-being and understanding.


To develop marriage, couple and family counselors knowledgeable in career development, theories, and skills to better assist their clients in career planning.


To prepare marriage, couple and family counselors who are cognizant of and can apply established and emerging counseling theories/techniques to empower their diverse client(s).


To educate marriage, couple and family counselors in group dynamics, theories, and techniques appropriate for effective application with diverse groups.


To train marriage, couple and family counselors in formal and informal assessment methods to assess and interpret couples and families’ abilities, aptitudes, interests, and achievement.


To instruct marriage, couple and family counselors to understand and implement various research designs/methodology to evaluate counseling services and make relevant counseling applications.