Building a Better Tomorrow

TAMUSA and local partners are excited for the development, design, and building of the Educare San Antonio school at Texas A&M – San Antonio. Development of the school has been approved, a start-up schedule developed, and the building is currently under architectural design.

The university is building an approximately 25,000 square foot Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and After-School state-of-the-art facility. This facility would provide childcare services to over 200 children utilizing the best high-quality practices established through research. These services will be available to the south-side of San Antonio, the greater City of San Antonio, and Bexar County - especially disadvantaged and underserved communities in these regions. This facility will also be designed to welcome observers and act as an education and training site for early childhood professionals. In the same way a residency at a teaching hospital helps a doctor learn best practices in medicine, Educare San Antonio will be a teaching school designed to demonstrate, educate, and advance early childhood professional knowledge for teachers, business owners, and organizational administrators from the local community and beyond.

By establishing Educare San Antonio on the South Side and harnessing the power of collaboration between 20 other community agencies and organizations, Educare San Antonio will advance economic development for the businesses and community on the south-side of San Antonio, as well as the greater City of San Antonio and Bexar County. In addition to providing training for childcare professionals, the establishment of a workforce development hub in the Educare San Antonio building provides a bridge that directly connects the full workforce community to workforce development opportunities on a university campus that is reflective of the local community’s heritage and culture.

Educare San Antonio Project