

International and National Peer-Reviewed

Davis, M. T., & López, E. J. (2023). Building independent living skills among university students with intellectual disabilities at a Hispanic serving institution. Roundtable presentation proposal accepted by the Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference 2023 (October 18-20, 2023: Reno, NV).

López, E. J. & Davis, M. T. (2023). Improving employment outcomes forstudents with intellectual disabilities at an HSI: Culturally responsive practices. Roundtable presentation proposal accepted by the Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference 2023 (October 18-20, 2023: Reno, NV).

Watts, G. W., López, E. J., & Davis, M. T. (2023). Experiences of professors teaching college students with intellectual disabilities. [Paper Presentation]. Poster presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention and Expo 2023 (March 1-4, 2023: Louisville, KY).

Watts, G. W., Davis, M. T., & López, E. J. (2022). ‘How are you doing?’: Relationships and communication between professors and college students with intellectual disabilities. [Paper Presentation]. Poster presentation at the Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference 2022 (November 2-5, 2022: Little Rock, AR).

Davis, M. T., & López, E. J. (2022). Transition to post-secondary education: Strengthening school-family partnerships. Roundtable presentation at the Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference (October 20-21, 2022: Richmond, VA).

Davis, M. T., López, E. J., & Watts, G. W. (2022). Opening doors to college: Culturally responsive transition to higher education at a Hispanic serving institution. Virtual Presentation at the Division on Career Development and Transition International Conference (May 15-17, 2022: Myrtle Beach, SC).

State and Regional Peer-Reviewed

Davis, M. T., López, E. J., & Watts, G. W. (2022). Developing inclusive post-secondary education programs for students with intellectual disabilities. [Paper Presentation]. Oral presentation at the Texas Transition Conference (February 23-25, 2022: Denton, TX).

López, E. J., Davis, M. T., & Watts, G. W. (2021). Siguendo la Lucha in Postsecondary Opportunities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities at an HIS. Presentation at the Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education 46th annual conference. (May 19-21, 2021: Virtual).

Davis, M. T., López, E. J., & Watts, G. W., & Kelley, P. (2021). Growing equitable college opportunities: “TU CASA es mi casa.” Panel presentation at the Pennsylvania Community of Practice Transition annual conference (August 11-12, 2021: virtual).

Local Presentation Non-Refereed

Davis, M. T., López, E. J., & Kallead, V. (2023). TU CASA Program Overview. Virtual “Jaguar Day” session presented at the Young Adults with Different Abilities (YADA) quarterly meeting on May 4th, 2023, San Antonio, TX

Kallead., V. (2023). TU CASA at Texas A&M University-San Antonio: A look inside of a comprehensive post-secondary education program. Presentation preparation for the first Oklahoma-Texas Summit on Inclusive Post-Secondary Education for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, Oklahoma

Davis, M. T., López, E. J., & Kelley, P. (2021). Inclusive post-secondary education for students with intellectual disabilities: TU CASA Program. Virtual session presented at the Young Adults with Different Abilities (YADA) quarterly meeting on May 6th, 2021, San Antonio, TX