Business Cards
Below is a sample business card template for A&M-San Antonio. You can now place your business card order on the new Nolan's online system .
Example Card
Please submit a request through the Request our Support form for help creating and ordering letterhead for your department or office.
The templates on this page are an easy and impactful way for students and staff to promote academic programs and events. The double-sided or single-sided one-pagers are consistent with university branding and designed to be used as a starting point. If you need assistance, the Office of Marketing and Communications can help you in creating these one-pagers.
When our faculty, staff and students give internal or external presentations, we encourage them to use the A&M-SA PowerPoint template to portray a consistent, high-quality image of our University. The template provides a variety of slide styles for you to choose from. Following are examples of the different slide styles, and you can download the template using the link below. After you open the new template, click on Layout under Design to see the different slide styles.
Download the PowerPoint Template
Virtual Backgrounds
WebEx, Zoom and Microsoft Teams are popular platforms for video conferencing, and we know many A&M-San Antonio students, faculty and staff use it for personal and professional meetings. The virtual background feature on WebEx, Zoom and Microsoft Teams allows you to display a custom image as your background during meetings.
How to Download
- Click on the image of your choice
- Right-click on the full version of the image
- Click "Save image as" and save it to your desired location (desktop, downloads, a folder, etc.)