Shoe Shine Boy

Shoe Shine Boy

Shoe Shine Boy

The Works of Joe R. Villarreal

Joe R. Villarreal (American, b. 1953)
Shoe Shine Boy
Oil on canvas
Signed and copyrighted, l.r.
40 x 30 inches 

As a student, at Fox Tech High School in downtown San Antonio, Villarreal recalls walking across the Navarro Street bridge. He is startled by a tugging of his pants.  Sitting on the bridge, atop his shoe shine box, is a young boy.  He looks up hopefully, “Shine?”  In those days a shine would cost 5¢.

That memory from the early 1960’s of a little boy counting his well-earned nickels continued to haunt the artist. Years later, he was able to depict the hardworking child with the dignity, which he deserved.