Behavioral Intervention Team

The purpose of the BIT Team is to review behavioral incidents and ensure a systematic response to students whose behavior may be disruptive or harmful to themselves or the Texas A&M University-San Antonio community and to assist in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students and other members of the Texas A&M University-San Antonio community. Members of the University community may report concerns to File a Report. Specifically, the charge for this team is to:

  • Assess situations involving a student who poses a potential risk of harm to persons or property in the University community or is of substantial disruption to University activities in accordance with policies stated in the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Consult with administration, faculty, staff, and other students affected by the inappropriate behaviors of a disruptive student.
  • Coordinate the University's response to a violent, threatening, or significantly disruptive student.
  • Develop a specific strategy to manage the threatening or disruptive behavior with regard to the safety and rights of others and to minimize the disruption to the University community.
  • Make recommendations to responsible University officials on appropriate action consistent with University policy and procedure statements and with state and federal law. The BIT Team will have monthly meetings scheduled throughout the academic calendar. Please contact the Dean of Students ( for more details on attending a BIT meeting.
File Report