The Texas A&M University System is proud to offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) to eligible employees. EAP programs usually offer in-person and telephonic counseling services, training, and have resources to help employees deal with all kinds of stressful issues from parenting to death of a loved one to conflicts at work. Contact GuidanceResources Employee Assistance Programs with the information below. Get the login information from your HR/Benefits department to access valuable information and resources through their web portal. These services are completely confidential and can be easily accessed by calling the Helpline: (866) 301-9623.
ComPsych also provides a phone app for their customers. Search for GuidanceNow on your Apple or Google Play store to download app on your phone. Once downloaded use Web ID: TAMUS
ComPsych GuidanceResources, is our new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) effective September 1, 2019. Our EAP is available at no cost to benefit eligible faculty and staff employees as well as their dependents/household members.
Visit ComPsych GuidanceResources | Overview of Services | What is Work Life | NEW - Coronavirus COVID-19 Digital Toolkit |
Organization Web ID: TAMUS
Phone: (866) 301-9623
TTY: (800) 697-0353
Download the APP: Guidance Now