Staff Council

Vote for the Proposed Constitution and By Laws changes

Thank you for making your voice heard through Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s Staff Council.

Periodically, the Council’s Constitution and By-Laws are reviewed to keep these documents up-to-date and keep the Council running efficiently. While the By-Laws can be changed within the Council, any changes or amendments to the Constitution must be approved through a general vote with the University Staff. Such amendments shall take effect upon approval by three-fourths of the votes cast by the staff voting in a general election called for the purpose and upon approval by the president of the University.

You can review the redlined Constitution by clicking here. If you agree with the amendments, please vote YES. If you do not, please vote NO. You will need to supply your name and University email address with your vote.

Among the highlighted changes include:

  • To be an Executive Officer of the Council, you must have already served for one year as Council member. Following the initial year, members are eligible to be nominated for Executive Officer position. The member that is voted by the Council as President-Elect will serve this position in the second year, and will stay a third year on the Council to fulfill the position as Council President. Council membership terms are two years.
  • Clarification of Composition of Council Membership regarding EEO categories, including EEO#1 in which only Executive Director level and below are eligible to serve on the Council.
  • Recommend moving Article 5, Section 2: Responsibilities and Terms of Executive Officers out of the Constitution and into the By-Laws.