Disability Support Services

Alternative Format

Students with documented disabilities may be able to receive books and materials in alternative formats.

Alternative Format Materials

Alternative Format Materials is an accommodation for required of supplemental academic curriculum to be proved in an accessible format to a student. Alternative Format materials are print- and technology-based readings and core materials that are designed or converted in a way that makes them usable across the widest range of user needs. This accommodation is centrally managed and operationalized by the DSS office at Texas A&M-San Antonio. Examples of Alternative Format Materials include but are not limited to:

  • Digital Materials printed for students who cannot use electronic materials
  • Large print for students with low vision
  • Image files that can be enlarged for students with mobility limitations or low vision
  • Main text in documents, that may STEM content (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), contain that can be read aloud by a computer using text-to-speech technology
  • Documents containing text, images, tables, STEM content (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) that can be read aloud, and navigated, by a computer using screen reader technology.
  • Contracted or uncontracted Braille
  • Nemeth Braille (math braille)
  • Tactile graphics

General Process for Accessible Format Materials

  1. DSS approves accommodation in AIM.
  2. Student activates accommodation by checking the appropriate box in their AIM profile and is approved by a case manager.
  3. Student Requests Alternative Format through AIM and provides as much information on the book as possible. Leaving fields blank may cause a delay in the request.
  4. DSS attempts to locate pre-existing accessible version.
  5. DSS notifies the student of converted materials and either emails the electronic version using WeTransfer or invites the student to pick up the printed version.

All requests will be process in the order received. Submitting a late request will take longer to fulfill. 

Students are made aware that US Copyright Law prohibits sharing any accessible files that are created by DSS:

"Under The Chafee Amendment to chapter 1 of title 17 section 121 subsection B & C bear a notice that any further reproduction or distribution in a format other than accessible format is an infringement; and includes a copyright notice identifying the copyright owner and the date of the original publication."

Chafee Amendment to Chapter 1 of Title 17; section 121 subsection B & C

The receipt of any alternative course materials from Texas A&M-San Antonio DSS office is a declaration by the student that:

  1. The student qualifies as having a disability that is certified by Texas A&M-San Antonio Disability Support Services office, and that disability requires the use of these alternative course materials.
  2. The student is currently registered at Texas A&M-San Antonio or registered at a participating consortium membership institution at the time of the student's request for text in alternative formats.
  3. The student will not copy, reproduce or share any of the specialized formatted text, nor allow anyone else to do so.
  4. The student already possesses the course materials they are requesting in an alternative format, and will provide proof of such possession on the behalf of the copyright holder.


How to Request Alternative Formats

Alternative formats allow students to learn their material using a format that is effective to them. DSS can provide students with class materials in accessible formats for use with assistive technology. Students will use AIM to request their alternative format materials and check the status of their request. They will be contacted through the AIM system when their materials are ready. 

To make a request, first log into your AIM account using your Jagwire credentials. To check the status of requested materials or complete other tasks for alternative format materials, select the Alternative Formats link in the My Accommodations box on the left-hand side of the AIM portal.

NOTE: Students must have already requested their accommodations for the semester for the classes they are requesting books in order for the alternative format option to be available.




Need help requesting alternative format? Use the links below:





Have questions? Contact:

Samantha Broughton

Assistive Technology Accommodations Coordinator (ATAC)

(210) 784-1566
