Disability Support Services

Exam Services

For the purpose of these instructions, any exam, quiz, timed or evaluative assignments will be referred to as “Exam Services”.

Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

DSS Exam Service hours vary according to scheduling demands and may coordinate evening hours when scheduled in advance.

General Exam Scheduling Procedures
Instructors will submit their schedule and proctor guidelines to DSS through our AIM database and it is the student's responsibility to request alternative testing in AIM 5-business days prior to the exam. The instructor is NOT responsible for scheduling the exam with DSS. When possible, students who choose to utilize their exam accommodations will be scheduled to take the exam DSS during the regular exam time. If an adjustment is needed due to the availability of exam rooms or back-to-back classes, DSS will contact the instructor to discuss options. If a student misses a scheduled exam, it is the student's responsibility to request permission from the instructor for an extension. DSS will not schedule unless given authorization from the instructor.

Online Exams: How to provide exam accommodations in an online format

The instructor is responsible for submitting the Schedule & Proctor Form to DSS at the beginning of each semester through the AIM portal. The instructor is also responsible for submitting the exam to DSS, located in the Central Academic Building, Suite 210, or uploading it in the AIM portal 1 to 4 days prior to the scheduled exam. DSS will not proctor an exam if we have not received the Schedule & Proctor Form. If a student is unable to take a scheduled accommodated exam in DSS because the instructor has not submitted the Schedule & Proctor Form, the instructor is responsible for providing an extension to the student for a rescheduled appointment.

DSS Student Responsibility
If choosing to utilize exam accommodations, the student is responsible for scheduling their exam through the AIM portal (under Alternative Testing) 5 business days prior to the exam. If a student misses a scheduled exam, it is the student's responsibility to request permission from the instructor for an extension. If a DSS student does not wish to utilize their accommodations or fails to schedule with DSS, the student may be present in class for the exams.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to arrive fully prepared to begin and end the exam at their scheduled time. Late arrival may result in forfeiture of the extended time.
  • Students are responsible for notifying DSS if exams are canceled, dates are changed, or if no longer using the scheduled exam space. This information will be verified with the instructor prior to rescheduling.
  • Personal items are not allowed during exams. Only materials that are approved by DSS for accommodation purposes or that the instructor's list on the Proctor Form are allowed. If a student brings additional items, the DSS office will hold them but will not be held responsible for their security.
  • Food, drinks and medications are strictly prohibited in the exam rooms unless prior approval has been granted for medical accommodation reasons.

Instructor Responsibility
The instructor is responsible for submitting the Schedule & Proctor Form to DSS at the beginning of each semester through the AIM portal. The instructor is also responsible for submitting the exam to DSS, located in the Central Academic Building, Suite 210, or uploading it in the AIM portal 1 to 4 days prior to the scheduled exam. DSS will not proctor an exam if we have not received the Schedule & Proctor Form. If a student is unable to take a scheduled accommodated exam in DSS because the instructor has not submitted the Schedule & Proctor Form, the instructor is responsible for providing an extension to the student for a rescheduled appointment.

DSS Responsibility
The instructor and student will receive an email appointment when a student schedules an exam. If the instructor has not yet submitted the Schedule & Proctor Form, the appointment will be titled, "Pending." DSS will send email reminders to the instructor requesting the Schedule & Proctor Form and exam. If an adjustment is needed due to the availability of exam rooms or back-to-back classes, DSS will contact the instructor to discuss options. DSS will administer and proctor the exam utilizing the Schedule & Proctor Form provided by the instructor. All completed exams will be returned within one business day. If the preferred method is not provided, we will return the exam through the AIM database.

  • DSS will provide pencils, pens, scantrons, blue books, earplugs, basic calculators, dictionaries and computers when necessary.

Exam Security
All exams will be secured within the DSS office. During scheduled exams, students will be proctored and monitored based on the guidelines the instructor provides on the Proctor Form. Any DSS proctor who observes an incident of academic misconduct has the right to interrupt the exam, take possession of all unauthorized materials, and make a copy of the exam. The original exam will be returned to the student to complete without the unauthorized material. The instructor will be notified and provided with the copy and the completed original. The instructor will then be responsible for determining further action according to the Texas A&M University-San Antonio Student Handbook.

How to Schedule Exams
DSS registered students must schedule exams, for which they are requesting to use their accommodations, approximately 5-business days in advance of the in-class scheduled date. Students will need to follow the directions below in order to schedule an exam. For more assistance, please view the handout and video at the bottom of this page.

  1. After logging into Aim, click on Alternative Testing under My Accommodations.
  2. Select the class then click Schedule an Exam.
  3. Review the Terms and Conditions of Scheduling an Exam. Contact DSS with any questions.
  4. Fill out the Form. 
  5. Click Update Exam Request

If the requested exam date does not meet the 5-business day requirement, a reason will have to be provided along with additional information (example: other available times). Any changes must be approved by the instructor.

The student will receive an email when the request has been completed, to see updates for exam request, click Alternative Testing again.


AIM Login for Instructors

 AIM Login for students 



For additional information on exam services, please contact:

Courtney A. Garza
Exam Services Coordinator/Case Manager
(210) 784-1335 or 

For assistance with AIM on exam services, please contact:

Samantha Broughton
Assistive Technology Accommodations Coordinator
(210) 784-1566 or 


For more assistance, please use the resources below.

