How to Request Additional Accommodations

In this video, you will learn how to request additional accommodations.

Please note to request additional accommodations,

additional documentation is required.

Visit our website and scroll down until you see welcome jaguars.

Select login to aim.

using your jaguar credentials.

On the left side of my Dashboard,

select Additional accommodation request form.

In order to process your request for additional accommodations,

documentation will need to be provided.

Please visit our website to review documentation requirements.

Select Submit Additional accommodation request form.

Under the heading information,

select the Start term.

This is the semester when the new accommodation will go into effect.

Answer the questions provided.

Questions include, is this a new disability

or an update to a previously diagnosed disability?

Where did this documentation come from?

What accommodations are you requesting?

Do you have any additional comments?

Once you've answered all questions, select Submit Application.

The DSS office will contact the student to discuss the request.

If you have any questions,

please contact our office at