A&M-SA professor featured on Pop Trends Price Culture podcast

Dr. Dennis Elam photoDr. Dennis Elam is a tenured professor of accounting at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. He is an expert in finance, yet Professor Elam blows up stereotypes about the accounting profession. He's incredibly well versed in popular culture: his insights go from Richard Pryor, to themes in cinema, to the "mob museum" in Las Vegas. And, as we learned in conversation with Professor Elam, he actually applies socionomics in his curriculum for accounting — students love it.

Click here to listen to the podcast conducted by's Pop Trends Price Culture.

The podcast was featured in the Socionomics Institute e-newsletter.

Further congratulations for Dr. Elam are in order as he is the first person invited to speak at the 2016 Social Mood Conference which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia! For more information about this conference, go to