Sad news regarding Mr. Greg Garcia


Dear Colleagues,

I write to share some very sad news for our campus community. I learned this morning that our dear friend and dedicated supporter, Mr. Greg Garcia, passed away last night.

Many of you knew Greg, to whom A&M-San Antonio made its inaugural meritorious service award this past spring, in recognition of his remarkable service to this university. Greg was a foundational figure in the life of A&M-San Antonio from its very inception, through his work with the late Senator Frank Madla and later, as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Government Relations for the A&M System.

His passing is indeed a huge loss for the A&M-San Antonio community and the Texas A&M family. Our thoughts are with Greg’s beloved wife, Margaret, his daughter, Christine, the rest of his family, and his many friends at this difficult time. When service details are available, I will share them with you, as I know many of you will want to pay your respects.

Warm regards,
Cynthia Teniente-Matson