Transforming Tomorrow Together

Access & Affordability

Increase enrollment of a diverse student population, providing and expanding access to an affordable high quality university experience to students of all backgrounds and identities.


  • Grow overall headcount enrollment from 6,770 in Fall 2020 to 8,750 in Fall 2025.
  • Increase enrollment in targeted student populations from 1,289 in Fall 2020 to 2,298 in Fall 2025.
  • Increase visibility of A&M-San Antonio within the community to promote a college-bound culture through increasing pipeline program participation by 10% from 3,382 to 3,720 in Fall 2025. 
  • Establish seven new funding revenue sources to support student enrollment growth and student success for diverse student populations by Fall 2024.

Task Force Members

  • Brandy McLelland, co-chair | Vice President for Enrollment Management 
  • Darnell Smith, co-chair | Director of Intercollegiate Athletics & Recreational Sports 
  • Vanessa Torres | Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management 
  • Kim Nañez, | Executive Director, Student Academic Success Center  
  • Gretchen Doenges | Assistant Director, Transition and Family Programs 
  • Phillip Rodgers | Director of Financial Aid 
  • Melissa Morales | Director of Admissions 
  • Vijay Golla | Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies