Mission, Vision, Values and Goals
A Bold Vision for the Future
Charting a Course for the Next Five Years
As a proud Hispanic-Serving and Military-Embracing Institution with a predominantly first-generation student population, Texas A&M University-San Antonio transforms lives and our community by delivering a quality higher education experience that is accessible and inclusive, and by empowering students for academic success, rewarding careers, and engaged global citizenship.
Texas A&M University-San Antonio will be a rising doctoral-granting university with a robust research portfolio, a national reputation for fostering equitable learning experiences and outcomes, and increasing influence as a catalyst for social, cultural, and economic impact.
We are student centered.
We exist, first and foremost, to serve our students and support their academic success, professional development, and personal growth. We meet our students where they are and are intentional in understanding and serving their needs.
We are inclusivity-minded and respectful.
We embrace individual and cultural differences as a strength of our community, and share in the responsibility to co-create a culture and shared mindset in which each member is accepted, valued, safe, and can thrive.
We are visionary.
We reject the status quo and take an “all things are possible” approach to building a university of the future, embracing innovative ways of thinking and doing.
We are a catalyst for opportunity.
We create transformative, equitable experiences and outcomes for our students, employees, and community. We engage in and support teaching, learning, and research that advance the creation of knowledge, improve our understanding of the world, and effect positive change.
We are collaborative.
We understand the value of working together across disciplinary and organizational lines, and embrace a spirit of collaboration, both within the University and with our community partners.
We are committed to excellence.
We foster a culture of holistic wellbeing, achievement, and excellence, grounded in the honor, integrity, and traditions that are the hallmarks of the Texas A&M University System.