
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

As an Institution receiving federal support, Texas A&M University-San Antonio maintains an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in accordance with federal regulations. IACUC is charged with ensuring welfare of vertebrate animal subjects used for research, demonstration, teaching, testing, and production.

IACUC is constituted by peer experts in the institution and appointed by the Institutional Official, the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate studies. Texas A&M System Regulation 15.99.07and Texas A&M- San Antonio rule 15.99.07.O1  requires that the use of vertebrate animals must receive prior approval from the IACUC.

Additional information about research with vertebrate animals can be found at the website for the NIH's Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare ( The mission of the Texas A&M University-San Antonio IACUC is to assure that all work with vertebrate animals is justifiable and to facilitate Texas A&M University-San Antonio researchers in maintaining compliance with federal law.

The use of animals for instructional, demonstration or research purposes comes under the federal guidelines of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. All animal use in such projects must receive prior approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Questions may be directed to  Dr. Charles Matt Watson at (210)784-2344 or  Submit application to from the links located below.



To report any concern individuals can call 210-784-1223 or make anonymous reports to the TAMU System via the Risk, Fraud, and Misconduct Hotline or by calling the Texas State Auditor’s Office at 1-800-892-8348.