Program for System Admission (PSA)

Join the Texas A&M University System

The Program for System Admission (PSA) is an alternative admission program for selected students not offered freshman admission to Texas A&M University-College Station.  PSA provides students the opportunity to attend one of the Texas A&M University System Institutions with the goal of enrolling at Texas A&M-College Station after the successful completion of the first year.

Important things to know:
The PSA program is for specific majors, requiring specific courses, specific GPAs, and other requirements in order to be eligible to transfer to Texas A&M-College Station. 

Most degree plans require calculus-level math courses. Contact a PSA advisor at Texas A&M-San Antonio to determine if developmental or pre-requisite math courses should be taken in the summer (at a local community college) to stay on track with the PSA degree plan.

Once you have been offered the PSA program:
Accept the PSA offer and select Texas A&M University-San Antonio from the AIS site.  The Office of Admissions at College Station will send your application, high school transcript and test scores to Texas A&M-San Antonio. You do not have to apply to Texas A&M-San Antonio directly.  You will receive notification from Texas A&M-San Antonio once your documents have been received and processed. 

All follow-up communications will come from Texas A&M-San Antonio after acceptance as a Jaguar.

For questions regarding the AIS, please access the “Contact Us” button on the Texas A&M-College Station AIS site.

Program for System Admission
PSA Virtual Info Sessions: Next Steps
This virtual session will provide essential details about your pathway to admissions, academic/financial resources, and student life opportunities.
Future Jaguar Day
Discover what makes Texas A&M University-San Antonio a great place to learn, grow and thrive at our upcoming event!

Congratulations on becoming a Jaguar!

We're excited that you will be joining the Texas A&M-San Antonio family! Now that you have been admitted, it's time to take the next steps in your Jaguar Journey. From Confirming your Enrollment, to signing up for New Student Orientation, you can discover your steps and be prepared by clicking the button below.

Program Eligibility

Texas A&M University-College Station will notify you through the Applicant Information System (AIS) if you qualify for the PSA program. Once notified, you will have the option to accept the PSA offer and select the Texas A&M University System institution you wish to attend. If you meet our automatic admission requirements, you will see Texas A&M University-San Antonio as one of your choices. You must respond to the Program for System Admission offer via the AIS by May 1. Once you have accepted the PSA offer and selected A&M-San Antonio, the Office of Admissions at Texas A&M-College Station will send your application, high school transcript and test scores to A&M-San Antonio. You do not need to apply to A&M-San Antonio directly. Your application materials will be forwarded from Texas A&M-College Station. We will notify you once we receive and process your documents. Please check the email you provided to Texas A&M-College Station on your original application as we will use this email for future communication.

Note: Not all majors are eligible for the PSA program. Texas A&M University determines which majors are PSA approved, and the selected majors vary each year. Participating colleges and departments are listed on the PSA program webpage.

Participating Colleges and Majors

Program Requirements

To enroll at Texas A&M University-College Station after PSA, you must:

  • Complete specific course requirements from one of the approved Texas A&M University program-specific degree plans.
  • Complete at least 24 transferable hours in residence at a single system school during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the system school AND maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA on all transferable coursework (including dual credit taken during high school). NOTE: Engineering applicants must maintain a 3.25 system school GPA and a 3.0 overall to guarantee admission.  
  • Submit the transfer application along with all required documents by the March 1 deadline.

It is recommended that developmental course(s) and/or prerequisite course(s) be taken prior to fall enrollment. Example: Some institutions require College Algebra before enrolling in higher level math courses.


For more information about PSA, contact our Admissions Counselor, Hannah Salinas.


Why can't I see all Texas A&M system schools on AIS?

The system schools use class rank/test scores minimums to qualify you for admission. Most students are eligible for admission at all Texas A&M system schools but some students are not.

If I accept the PSA offer, do I have to send anything to the system school(s)?

Your information will be shared with the system school(s) you select on AIS. You are not required to submit another application through ApplyTexas. Some system schools may require additional items if you decide to attend (i.e., final high school transcript, test scores, etc.)

What if the major I want isn't listed?

The PSA program is designed for students interested in approved majors. We do not recommend pursuing the PSA program to switch majors once admitted to TAMU. For a list of approved majors, visit the PSA program.

I have a lot of dual credit coursework from high school. Is the PSA right for me?

It depends on the specific classes you have already taken and your intended major Texas A&M-College Station. Before accepting the PSA offer, please visit with an Admissions Counselor in the Aggieland Prospective Student Center by calling 979.458.0950.

What if I already have dual/AP/IB/CLEP credit for a bolded italicized course?

Dual credit can be used to satisfy a bolded italicized course. However, you will still be required to complete at least 24 hours in residence at a single system school by the end of the spring semester of your first year in college.

Credit by examination cannot be used to satisfy a bolded italicized course. Bolded italicized courses must be taken for a grade, either at the system school or via dual credit in high school. Credit by examination can be used to satisfy coursework from the lower box on any degree plan. However, those hours will not count toward the 24-hour residence requirement.

Can I change my major?

Students can update their major in the AIS portal until May 1. After this deadline, major changes will no longer be permitted, even when transitioning to College Station.

Will my dual credit grades be factored into my GPA?

Yes. The PSA requires you to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on all transferable coursework (including dual credit). The PSA also requires you to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on the coursework you complete from your specific system school. In addition, some degree plans require a grade of B or better in certain courses.

What if A&M-San Antonio doesn’t offer my PSA approved major?

You can still select A&M-San Antonio as your PSA campus even if we do not offer your intended major. What matters are the courses we provide to fulfill your program requirements. Visit the PSA program to learn more about course requirements and approved programs.

When can I register for classes?

All students are required to attend a New Student Orientation. You can select your New Student Orientation date upon completion of your Enrollment Confirmation. When you get the email asking you to confirm your enrollment, select YES and you'll be directed to the Enrollment Confirmation page. Complete the form and answer the required questions. Then, you will get to choose a date for New Student Orientation.

Is it too late to apply for housing?

Not at all. You can find the housing application here. To secure your spot, you will need to pay a $200 housing deposit.

If I decide to accept the PSA offer, will I have to submit a new application when I’m ready to transfer to Texas A&M-College Station?

Yes, you will have to submit the following: 1) A transfer application through ApplyTexas or The Coalition. Submitting this application will allow you to be considered for scholarships. When submitting, please indicate the fee waiver option on the payment page. Texas A&M-College Station will then waive the application fee for you. Answer yes to the custom question indicating that you are applying for admission as part of the Program for System Admission. Please note that you are not required to submit Essay A. 2) An official transcript from your system school showing your in-progress coursework for the spring semester. You will also need to submit a final transcript once the semester is complete. 3) A final high school transcript reflecting your graduation date. 4) An official college transcript from any other schools attended including those where dual credit coursework was taken during high school (even if the coursework is included on the high school transcript).

Can I stay at Texas A&M-San Antonio?

Of course you can! If you want to stay here at Texas A&M-San Antonio, please see your PSA advisor to opt-out of the PSA program.