Woman at Work


Women at Work (W@W)

October 11, 2017

Dear Members of the A&M-San Antonio Community:

I am excited to introduce you to the Women at Work (W@W) group that has recently formed on campus! This Office of the President initiative intends to provide a platform to discuss women's issues and women's leadership in higher education. W@W will be led by Vice President Mahan and an impressive steering committee of HERS Alumnae and a representative of the American Council on Education (ACE) Women's Forum known as Texas Women in Higher Education. 

W@W focuses on creating an on-campus forum that will advance the potential of women by generating resources, disseminating research, sharing networking opportunities and fostering the development of women in their careers. Women at Work is open to all Texas A&M University-San Antonio faculty and staff. The steering committee consists of Melissa Mahan, Jo Anna Franke, Chryssa Delgado, Amy Lewis, Sherita Love and Lorrie Webb. Please reach out to any of these members to share your ideas and learn how to get involved.

W@W will be offering monthly programming and information on campus and around the A&M-SA community. Please go to our website and click on the Events and Programs tab to learn more about our FY17-18 themes. We will launch our programming in October with keynote speaker Leslie Schultz and we invite you to join us for an interactive luncheon on domestic violence. Serving as the Director of Clinical Services at Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc., Ms. Schultz will share data and resources in Bexar County to empower us to reach out and make a difference in the lives of domestic violence victims. The luncheon will be held in the Patriots' Casa Ceremony Room on October 18 from noon to 1 p.m. We ask that you R.S.V.P. so we can get an accurate headcount for the luncheon.

We look forward to seeing you at our W@W events in the future and hope you will take time to reach out to us with your thoughts and ideas about how to make our programming meaningful to you!

Cynthia Teniente-Matson