Students complete Financial Crimes White Collar intern program

imageGilbert Barrera, College of Business; Det. Chris Tillery, SAPD; Ira Copple, student; Maria Harris, student; Lt. Marcus Booth, SAPD; and Sgt. Angel Castello, SAPD

Two A&M-SA students, Ira Copple and Maria Harris, recently received certificates from the San Antonio Police Department for completing the Financial Crimes White Collar Intern program under the direction of Gilbert Barrera, assistant professional track in the College of Business. The work performed by these students is an integral part of SAPD's investigation as well as the District Attorney's Office presentation to the grand jury in seeking an indictment and in plea bargain negotiations with defense counsel. It will be admitted into evidence if a jury trial is necessary. 

This was the inaugural program with SAPD. It was supported by the College of Business and the Mays Center for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement.