A Message of Tolerance

Dear A&M-San Antonio Community,

Nearly a week ago, we saw video footage of a former A&M-Kingsville student, George Floyd, suffering while in law enforcement custody in Minnesota. Like you, I am deeply troubled and saddened by the inhumane treatment that led to his death, and the harsh reality of a legacy of institutional racism, injustice and inequities in our nation, particularly within our communities of color. There are many law enforcement officers who do the right thing every day, including on our own campus and local police departments; we are grateful for their commitment and service to our communities. The peaceful protests across San Antonio in recent days are reflective of the diverse communities that our campus community serves. I share the disappointment in learning of the looting and violence that erupted in our own downtown over the weekend.

Today, more than ever, we have a collective and individual responsibility to act with purpose and to build communities that can dismantle social inequities. We cannot accept violence or actions of intolerance – whether in our cities, in our neighborhoods or on our campus. We must remain vigilant and intentional in rejecting acts of violence and bigotry, particularly those that target people of color.

While we face uncertain and stressful times that are compounded by the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis and tremendous loss of life, I am certain that together, we can and must raise our collective voices to ensure the end result will overshadow and rise above the cacophony of those whose speak and act with hate. I stand with you to restore hope in humanity, as we usher in another cohort of capable students who can reinforce the efforts needed to change the complexity, long-standing inequities rooted in racism, health disparities, income gaps and social injustice. Together, at A&M-San Antonio, we can reaffirm a shared responsibility to make San Antonio, our state and our world a more equitable and just community.

Cynthia Teniente-Matson