Early Alert Information for Faculty

How to Support Students

A&M-SA is committed to student success, which requires the participation of the entire Jaguar community. Providing intervention assistance when a situation or challenge emerges is key to students' academic and personal success, as well as the university's retention, persistence, and graduation rates. Here are three ways you can support student success:

Early Alerts For students struggling with attendance or academic performance, Civitas Inspire is used to 'raise an alert.' A message about your concerns will go to the student and to care network members, including academic advisors, academic coaches, or other professional staff who can assist students. While there are specific periods for early alerts during the first half of the semester, faculty can raise an alert at any time. Learn More

Midterm Grades Midterm Grades are a valuable way to provide feedback to students about their progress in your course. Faculty submit midterm grades via JagWire. They are a snapshot of a moment in the semester and are not indicative of a student's final grade. Academic advisors and coaches help students reflect on their midterm grades and determine what changes may be made to improve students' academic performance; in some cases, the intervention may include dropping the course.

CARE Referral Do you know of a student experiencing a complex or challenging situation that may affect their academic success or personal health and well-being? A CARE Referral can be used to address academic, personal, social or emotional issues and will be handled by the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities. Examples of situations that might merit a CARE Referral include but are not limited to: conflict with a roommate, hospitalization of the student, student experiencing homelessness. To file a CARE Referral, [click here] or visit

Important Dates Each fall and spring, specific dates will be identified for faculty to participate in these student success strategies. The following dates reflect the current term:


Alert Window Start Date End Date
Alert #1 1/24/25 1/30/25
Alert #2 2/12/25 2/19/25
Midterm Grading Period 2/24/25 3/7/25

Please contact the following individuals if you have further questions:

  • Early Alert – Kimberly Nanez |
  • Midterm Grade Reporting – Antoinette Curl |