Continue Your Jaguar Journey

Students in Classroom
Continue Your Jaguar Journey

Graduating seniors and alumni, A&M-SA offers streamlined master's degree applications for recent or future graduates. The new program encourages students to seek graduate degrees. Continue Your Jaguar Journey!

Graduates with Maracas

Undergraduate students and recent alumni* can pursue a graduate education at their alma mater, A&M-San Antonio with fewer admission requirements. Our University embraces dedicated alumni as they pursue their graduate education.

The CYJJ program offers a streamlined application process for A&M-San Antonio graduating seniors and recent alumni applying to graduate programs. 

Continue your Jaguar Journey with these benefits:

  •  waived application fees
  •  expedited admissions decision
  •  no transcript needed

Eligible graduates will receive an admissions letter and instructions for accessing the fast-tracked application. 


*alumni who have graduated within the last 12 calendar months