Brand Guide

Brand Fonts

The Primary Font Oswald Regular is used for headlines and titles slides.

The Secondary Font Vollkorn Regular is used for sub headlines, accompanying copy and body copy.

Oswald is a free, open-source sans-serif typeface based off the classic gothic and grotesque styles of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Best suited for headlines and UI elements, Oswald provides subtle tension and modern counterbalance when paired with Vollkorn.

Vollkorn is a free, open-source serif typeface based off of the old style typefaces popular between the late fifteenth and mid eighteenth centuries. Best suited for setting body copy, Vollkorn adds an ambience of tradition and history.

Download Zip
Download all fonts in a .zip folder (ITS will need to install)




  1. Always use the brand fonts (download here). ITS will need to install the fonts for you.
  2. For online material, you may use Georgia, Arial and Impact, or Google/web font equivalents to the typefaces in our fonts family.
  3. Script fonts are intended for invitations and formal pieces. Any specialty, stylized font should be used sparingly.