Student Business Services

Student Refunds

General Information
A refund may occur if there is a credit balance in a student account as a result of financial aid residual, overpayment of an account, or dropping/withdrawing from a class within a refund period.  The Student Business Services Office disburses credit balances in student accounts routinely. Refunds are processed twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday), and funds are sent for processing with BankMobile Disbursements the following day.

Texas A&M University-San Antonio delivers yourrefund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit the link for more information:

To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.

What does this mean for students?
You will have more choices in how you receive any refund money we may have for you. 

What do students need to do?

  • Make sure we have your current mailing address!
  • To update your address, please log into Jagwire
  • Be sure to update your address with the US Postal service as well to avoid delays.

Have additional questions?
You may contact Student Business Services at (210) 784-2035 or the Welcome Center at (210) 784-1300. 

Census Date
The census date is the deadline by which all enrollment and payment arrangements must be finalized.  For more information view the Academic Calendar.

Refunds for Dropping/Withdrawing from a Course
Students officially withdrawing (dropping all courses) during a Fall, Spring, or Summer session will receive a refund on tuition, mandatory fees and laboratory fees based on the date of official withdrawal and the applicable percentage.  Visit the Refund Policy for more information about refund percentages for Fall and Spring or Summer Sessions.

Refund Policy