President's Commission on Accessibility (PCOA)


Dear Members of the University Community,

I am pleased to announce that we are repositioning Texas A&M-San Antonio’s institutional focus on serving those with disabilities. A&M-San Antonio is committed to maintaining a campus environment that welcomes diverse thought, perspective, and experience by ensuring that our programs, activities, and services are accessible to all community members and visitors. A reconstituted committee called the President’s Commission on Accessibility (PCOA) will be a central body that will advise the Office of the President on the array of issues that students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities may experience. The PCOA is charged with advocating for reducing the education, communication, social, physical, electronic and other carriers that may impede our valued A&M-San Antonio community members with disabilities. The long-term outcomes are to ensure we continuously strive to be an inclusive community that values diversity and mutual respect for people of all abilities. 

To that end, I have charged the university-wide PCOA to 1) elevate a central focus on the spectrum of issues that ensure individuals with disabilities experience an educational and work environment that is universally accessible, 2) advocates for accessible opportunities, engagement and empowerment in all University activities and 3) coordinates institutional policies, procedures, plans, and programming across the campus. You may visit the PCOA site at

The scope of the Electronic Information Resources Accessibility Committee (EIR), was limited to ensuring electronic information resources accessibility. This committee’s work will be encompassed in the PCOA and the newly revised scope of responsibilities. I am grateful to Lydia Harkey, IT Accessibility Director, for agreeing to continue her service as co-chair of the commission in its newly expanded responsibilities. The work of the PCOA will complement that of the President’s Commission on Equity, while drawing upon the expertise of those who are best equipped to understand and help address the needs of the A&M-San Antonio community members with disabilities. The work of this commission will be essential to maintaining a campus environment that welcomes diverse thought, perspective, and experience. 

Warm Regards,
Cynthia Teniente-Matson