Special Education Program

Special Education Program
Program Faculty Program Resources

About the Program

School districts are looking for administrators with focused training in special education and for special education leads who possess administrative certification, so A&M-SA is recruiting candidates for the Master's Degree in Special Education with Administrative Certification educational leadership program.

“Being different is one of the most beautiful things on Earth. Embrace your “you”ness."
  A. Edwards

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." 
Albert Einstein


The A&M-SA Special Education Program develops dynamic and scientific practitioners who are progressive and accessible in serving diverse populations. 


Enhance education and quality of life for all students 


Accessibility, progressiveness, dynamic, scientific-minded 


Special Education is a versatile program of study offered at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, a proud Hispanic-serving and military-serving institution! The goal of the special education program is for graduates to develop the skills to engage in serving and advocating for children and adults with exceptionalities and their families at school, district, local, and national levels.

The Special Education program
Provides students with a comprehensive education in relation to serving students with special needs from infancy to adulthood;

Offers students a broad understanding of the theoretical and practical constructs which support practices for children and youth with special needs that are socially, culturally, and individually appropriate;

Offers opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience with potential future employers as they complete student teaching and a variety of field experiences;
Emphasizes the practical application of knowledge gained while encouraging current research analysis.

Why Study Special Education?
The special education professional will be afforded various opportunities to work with students, their families, other professionals, and the community to help exceptional students become productive members of society. Therefore, the Special Education program focuses on developing knowledge and skills of future certified and non-certified professionals who work with diverse exceptional student populations. Past graduates have become teachers, leaders, advocates, and providers for individuals with exceptionalities.

Program Details
The Special Education program offers students a choice of multiple specialization areas.

EC-12 Special Education Certification with EC-6 Certification
EC-12 Special Education Certification with 4-8 Certification
EC-12 Special Education Certification with 7-12 Content Area Certification
Minor in Special Education (Psychology and Sociology Majors)

M.Ed. in Special Education- Assessment (Diagnostician Certification)
M.Ed. in Special Education- Instructional Specialist
M.Ed. in Special Education- Autism/Emotional Behavioral Disorders

Degree Plans