Special of Education Program

Program Features

Part 1: Why should you want this degree:
Do you want to be a special education director?

Do you want to be an administrator with focused training in special education?    

School districts are looking for administrators with focused training in special education and for special education leads who possess administrative certification. 

In order to meet this important area of need, Texas A&M University-San Antonio is currently recruiting candidates for the following educational leadership program:

  • Master’s Degree in Special Education with Administrative Certification

Part 2: Why should you chose our program to pursue this degree:

Features of the program:

Convenience - Courses are designed in hybrid fashion, combining the convenience of online learning with the benefits of face-to-face interactions with professors and peers.

Quality - Courses are designed to blend leadership theory with evidence-based practices in special education in order to provide a unique opportunity for participants to gain a systemic perspective on how to be an effective leader who advocates for students with exceptionalities. 

Cost - We are proud to offer one of the lowest cost tuition programs in Texas.  Below is a link to the current rates of tuition and fees for graduate students who are Texas residents:

Part 3: Call to action:

Sign me up!
We will be hosting an informational meeting designed to help you learn more about our programs. Light refreshments, information about scholarships, financial aid and the admissions application process will be provided.

Date: __/__/__
Location: Texas A&M University-San Antonio, Madla Building, Classroom #_____
Time: __:__pm - __:__pm

Students may register here:www.___________

We look forward to the opportunity of working with you!