Celebrating Successes, Announcing Updates


Members of the A&M-SA Community:

With the end of the spring semester fast approaching, I would like to take a moment to pause, celebrate our successes and announce a few updates. It has been a tremendous academic year, and I am enormously proud of all that we have accomplished thus far. Many of the highlights are captured in the 2017 President's Report

We have continued to build upon this momentum in 2018: we currently have 6,091 students, a 13.7-percent increase over last spring, and 579 employees, a 5.5-percent increase from spring 2017. We are undoubtedly living through an exciting and dynamic period in our University's short history, as evidenced by the numerous new academic programs we have developed and the beautiful campus we are building to support future growth. 

At the Cabinet level, we are examining our collective efforts to ensure we remain focused on the four goals in our strategic plan. Our students' academic success is of paramount importance, particularly as we grow. Today, I am announcing some organizational changes to support an operational realignment. These changes are designed to provide enhanced support for our student-focused value while achieving our strategic goals, particularly our efforts to build a national model for student and academic success.

Upcoming Organizational Changes

  1. In support of Goal 1 of the strategic plan, the Office of Academic Affairs will become the Office of Academic Affairs and Student Success managed by Provost Mike O'Brien. Staff who currently support Student Success will be realigned to this new reporting structure, effective May 21, 2018. Dr. O'Brien's expanded team will continue to fulfill its current responsibilities while providing comprehensive oversight for Student Success. 
  2. Led by Dr. Melissa Mahan, Vice President for Student Affairs, the Office of Student Affairs will continue to manage student engagement, student support and the overall student and family experience. This office will enhance its support of residential programs, commuter and transfer students and overall growth in student life.             
  3. Sustained enrollment growth is embedded in the University's four strategic goals and is a key element in our future success. We will create a new division of Enrollment Management to ensure that our approach to strategic enrollment management is aligned with our academic program expansion and student success strategies. The teams currently supporting enrollment management and financial aid will move from Student Affairs to the new division of Enrollment Management. The Registrar function and supporting staff will move from Academic Affairs to this new division. The University will immediately begin an effort to recruit an inaugural Vice President for Enrollment Management, who will report to President Matson and serve on the President's Cabinet.

Recent Organizational Changes

We have recently made several other positive changes focused on growing external grants and philanthropic support for academic affairs and students' academic success. 

  1. A new director of Sponsored Programs has been hired in Academic Affairs.
  2. A new foundation officer and a new grant writer have joined the University Advancement team, led by Vice President of University Advancement Richard Ortega. Dr. Ortega's team is working hard to build a culture of philanthropy and community engagement to support campus growth. 

These positions support Goal 2 and Goal 4 in our strategic plan.

In addition, Dr. Bill Spindle, Vice President for Business Affairs and CFO, continues to build campus infrastructure, facilities and business operations to support our growing campus.

I am grateful to all of our faculty and staff for their collective efforts in building academic and student success programs. It is imperative that we remain focused on our mission while paving a road to prosperity for our students and the greater San Antonio community.

Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson, President
Texas A&M University-San Antonio