Testing Center

Testing Center Policies

As a member in an academic community, all testing candidates at Texas A&M University-San Antonio Testing Center are expected to exhibit a high level of honesty and integrity in their pursuit of higher education.

Academic misconduct is an act, or attempt, which gives an unfair advantage to the student. 

  • I understand cheating is an act of dishonesty in which a student misrepresents that he/she has mastered information related to an academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • copying from another student’s test, lab report, computer file, data listing, logs, or any other type of report or academic exercise
    • using unauthorized materials during a test
    • consulting a cell phone, text messages, PDAs, and programmable calculators with materials that give an advantage over other students during an exam
    • using crib sheets or other hidden notes in an examination, or looking at another student's test to copy strategies or answers
    • having another person supply questions or answers from an examination to be given or in progress
    • having a person other than oneself (registered for the class) attempt to take or take an examination or any other graded activity
    • revising and resubmitting a quiz or exam for re-grading, without the instructor's knowledge and consent;
    • giving or receiving unauthorized aid on an examination
    • facilitating academic misconduct intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate the conduct code
    • signing in another student's name on attendance sheets, rosters, and/or scantrons
    • procurement and/or alteration without permission from appropriate authority of examinations, papers, lab reports, or other academic exercises, whether discarded or actually used, and either before or after such materials have been handed in to the appropriate recipient
    • using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, soliciting, copying or possessing, the contents of an un-administered test, a required assignment or a past test which has, by the professor, not been allowed to be kept by their students.
  • I understand that during the exams, students will be monitored and proctored based on the guidelines the instructor or testing agency has provided. Any proctor who observes a suspected incident of academic misconduct has the right to interrupt, stop/terminate the exam, and ask the student to leave the testing room. The proctor will take possession of any unauthorized materials and the exam. The instructor/testing agency will be notified and provided with the unauthorized materials (if applicable) and the exam. The instructor/testing agency will then be responsible for further action according to the rules detailed in the Student Handbook/Testing Manual.
  • I understand that if I am an A&M-SA student a Student Conduct Report will be filed and forwarded to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office for review.
  • I understand that staff has the right to inspect any electronic devices that were used during testing and the right to delete any copied/photographed materials that are related to the exam.
  • I understand the testing agency may void my test results/scores and refuse future testing.
  • I understand that I will not be refunded any testing fees or administrative fees for test results/scores that were voided.
  • I understand that no personal items are allowed in the testing room during exams, which includes but is not limited to; backpacks, book bags, purses, sunglasses, non-religious head coverings, large scarf's, hats, hoodies, hooded shirts, pullovers, jackets, overcoats, books, notebooks, index cards, cell phones, laptops, tablets, music devices, smart watches, smart glasses, and any other electronic devices.  If I bring these items, the Testing Center will provide lockers to store items.  However, the Testing Center is not responsible for their security. 
  • I understand that any food and drink are strictly prohibited in the exam rooms.
  • I understand that the Testing Center will provide any necessary testing items, including pencils, pens, and scratch paper.
  • I understand that once the exam has started, if the instructor/testing agency permits unscheduled breaks I must request permission from the proctor prior to exiting the Testing Center.  If an examinee leaves the testing room without permission they can be denied re-entry. 
  • I understand that violating any of these policies may result in academic dismissal and forfeit of testing scores and fees.
  • I understand that I must arrive at least 15 to 30 minutes prior to my scheduled appointment, depending on the exam.  If I arrive late to my scheduled exam I will not be admitted and will have to reschedule, if possible.
  • I understand that if I arrive without the necessary paperwork and/or identification I will not be admitted and will have to reschedule, if possible. 

By checking the acknowledgment box of this registration, I verify that I have read and understand the Testing Center Policies and accept responsibility for all the above statements.

Updated on 29 August 2019